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Our club is passionate about helping as many as we can in our local community and it's hard to think of a better way than via our Prostate Cancer Screening Event (PCSE) which we hold every couple of years. 


The concept is simple: we invite men between the ages of 40 and 75 to book online and come along to a local venue to have a small blood sample taken that is then sent to be PSA tested – a widely recognised test for early signs of possible Prostate problems, including Prostate Cancer.


Our next event is to be held at Ascot Racecourse, 10am - 4pm, Saturday 26th April 2025


Is there a charge?

Holding the event costs the Windsor Lions approximately £35 for each test but whilst we don’t charge for the test – we strongly encourage a donation from those taking part so we can continue to support our other work in the community.


How old do I have to be to qualify for a test?

We aim the event at men from 40-75 years old.

How does it work?

We use trained Phlebotomists, whom are providing their services for free, to take your blood and your results are analysed by experts and sent to you directly – all done in the strictest confidence: your identity and results will not be revealed to anybody but you!

What will my results tell me?

Your results will tell you if you have any issues that need to be followed up and you will be recommended what course of action to take. If nothing is flagged, we hope you will find that peace of mind.

Who funds this?

This great event is one of the ways in which we use the money that we raise through the generosity of local people. We also receive financial help from a number of local companies and organisations to stage this event. For which we are very grateful. If your company would like to provide financial help please get in touch.
Thank you so much to all who donate or provide assistance.

I need to ask a question?

Please email us at

or call us on 0345 8337519

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Windsor Lions Club is part of Lions International, the largest community service organisation in the world. Worldwide there are about 43,000 Lions Clubs in over 180 countries, there are more than 1.4 million members. Windsor like all other Lions Club, has the motto “we serve”, with a committed membership.

Our worldwide Lions Clubs work to improve the environment, build homes for the disabled, support diabetes education, conduct hearing programs and, through their foundation, provide disaster relief around the world.

Lions Clubs International has grown to include 1.4 million men and women in 46,000 clubs located in 193 countries and geographic areas.

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