Who is in the WCDP?
Paul Roach – Town Centre Manager
Diane Purchase – Windsor Lions
Mike Sells – Windsor Lions
Mike Brown – Deputy Town Centre Manager, and Rotary Club of Windsor St George
PCSO David Bullock – Thames Valley Police, and Windsor Street Angels Coordinator
Chris Davies – Rotary Club of Windsor St George
What is the recommended treatment for Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?
Defibrillation is the only treatment proven to restore a normal heart rhythm. When used on a victim of SCA, the automated external defibrillator (AED) can be used to administer a lifesaving electric shock that restores the heart’s rhythm to normal. AEDs are designed to allow non-medical personnel to save lives.
How much time do I have to respond if someone has a SCA?
Only minutes. Defibrillate within three minutes and the chances of survival are 70 percent. After 10 minutes, the chances of survival are negligible.
I know CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), wouldn’t it help?
CPR only buys a little more time, potentially giving the victim a small amount of extra time until a defibrillator arrives. But SCA ultimately requires a shock to restore a normal heart rhythm. As a result, most CPR training now also includes AED training.
Is an AED complicated to use?
AEDs are very easy to use. An AED can be used by practically anyone who has been shown what to do. In fact, there are a number of cases where people with no training at all have saved lives.
Can a non-medical person make a mistake when using an AED?
AEDs are safe to use by anyone who has been shown how to use them. The AED’s voice guides the rescuer through the steps involved in saving someone; for example, “apply pads to patient’s bare chest” (the pads themselves have pictures of where they should be placed) and “press red shock button.” Furthermore, safeguards have been designed into the unit precisely so that non-medical responders can’t use the AED to shock someone who doesn’t need a shock.
Can the AED itself make a mistake?
It is unlikely. Studies show that AEDs interpret the victim’s heart rhythm more quickly and accurately than many trained emergency professionals. If the AED determines that no shock is needed, it will not allow a shock to be given.
Are there any legal or insurance implications?
There are no legal or insurance risks associated with using a defibrillator. There have been no cases of anyone being sued in the UK and no instances of claims from people receiving poor first aid attention in the UK; this is a health and safety myth.
Where can I find an AED?
Please see the locations on the map below.